Tuesday, August 26, 2008

News Zealand: A Hot Flash from Down Under

My wife is very upset that the government of New Zealand will no longer use her favorite childhood meal to measure food price inflation.

That's right, the delicious cocktail weenie has been removed from the list of 150 items used to track food price trends. Sadly, Statistics New Zealand has also removed from the list condensed milk and frozen cheese cake, once considered their national breakfast.

Mmmm. That does look good. Oh well, at least they kept Hogget on the list.


Anonymous said...

Oh, cocktail weenie!
You're so delicious but oh so teeny.
Woe, since 'tis your girth they measure;
You are no longer New Zealand's little treasure.

Anonymous said...

That was beautiful. But I think I saw it on a Men's room wall somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think your mom wrote it there.

Anonymous said...

Such cheek. In my own Blog.