Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Metrosexual You Wouldn't Want to Meet in an Alley

This is Norman. Do what he says and nobody will get hurt. He's handsome and deadly, like a cross-dressing Gregory Peck wearing half a Zorro mask and Lee Press-On nails. Norman's tough like that, a little too tough for a guy with no functioning testicles, but maybe that's his problem: an inferiority complex. Boy, if he knew I wrote that he'd break a lamp over my head. He's plotting something. I can tell by all that thinking he does when he pretends to sleep. This asshole's destructiveness knows no limit. Last week he stalked and killed a refrigerator. What's next? An armoire?


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thanks Simon, for inviting me to stay at your apartment with my newborn. Did Norman need a new chew toy?

Flange Dubois said...

Yeah. He loves Italian food.